DevOps ENGINEER Mã tuyển dụng:31005

Mô tả công ty We focus on digital transformation for the Japanese construction industry and beyond, the global construction industry.

Loại công việc Công nghệ thông tin - IT
Nội dung công việc • As the pioneering DevOps engineer here at Arent, you will mainly be responsible for managing the development environment for web applications, ensuring seamless integration and deployment of the rapidly evolving microservices.

• At Arent we’re proud to have successfully launched multiple digital businesses in collaboration with major companies and we are currently developing new in-house products that leverage the deep domain knowledge gained through these ventures.

• As a DevOps Engineer, you will play a critical role in improving the efficiency and robustness of the development environment for these new products, contributing to a wide range of activities from strategy planning to execution and promotion.
Kỹ năng cần thiết Must:

• JLPT N2 above

• Experience in building test infrastructure environments (experience in introducing and operating end-to-end testing, continuous integration, external monitoring, and log management tools, etc.)

• Development experience using AWS

• Proficiency in pull request-based development using Git


• Operation experience of in-house document management system for front/server engineers

• Service technology migration experience (from Ruby to Scala, Go, etc.)

• Technology selection experience at the time of service launch

• Cypress installation and operation experience

• Datadog implementation and operation experience
Ngoại ngữ (1) Tiếng Nhật:Trung cấp kinh doanh
Ngoại ngữ (2)
Nơi làm việc TP HCM,Hà Nội
Mức lương 45,000,000 ~ 90,000,000 VND
Ghi chú
Ngày đăng 08/06/2023
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Hotline: (028) 3827 7550 hoặc (028) 3822 2088